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Mitchell Katz


Division Chief of the Pediatric Gastroenterology Division at Children’s Hospital of Orange County (CHOC), Director of the CHOC Children’s Multidisciplinary Feeding Program, Medical Director of Outpatient Specialty Care Services, Health Sciences Professor of Pediatrics at University of California, Irvine.

Dr. Katz, a renowned leader of Multidisciplinary Feeding Program, is highly respected nationally and internationally. He has been instrumental in the formation of the new International Association of Pediatric Feeding and Swallowing, serving on the Association’s Board of Directors. As the Director of the Feeding Program, Dr. Katz has developed novel and innovative strategies that are used to help children with feeding problems after major surgeries. He is a sought-after expert in this field and has been invited to give talks and presentations at professional meetings and has published in numerous journals and presented multiple abstracts in this field.

The Multidisciplinary Feeding Program works with children who have a history of complex medical problems that impact their ability to eat food in a typical fashion. Through the work of his program, these children achieve the final steps towards a normal lifestyle: being able to take a typical diet and decreasing or eliminating their reliance on specialized diets or tube feedings.

Mitchell Katz
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